Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let's Picture This

Let’s Picture This
For The Photographer in all of us May 22, 2008

With everything that’s going on in the new life of The F-Stop Shop I can’t believe I’m even attempting an undertaking such as this. Never the less, it’s going to have to start sometime and that time may as well be now!!!!!!

Let’s Picture This will endeavor to bring you some insight and everyday wisdom and tips to make your photographic endeavors a little more enjoyable. In an effort to bring this knowledge to you in an understandable
format I will be choosing the areas to cover. Giving the countless Photographic situations, one is limited only by his or her imagination.

Let’s take a closer look at cameras. Digital? Film? What’s the best? Each has its’ own plus and minus. Let’s take a closer look at 35 mm cameras. Their only minus is the cost of having the film developed vs digital which uses an assortment of capturing media.. But for absolute resolution, and I no doubt will take a lot of grief with this comment, film cameras have it won, Hands Down!! A good film camera will equal or even surpass the Digital counterpart. The cost of both is really the issue. But the cost thing I’ll have to give to the Digital. Although a good Digital slr will run $600 to $1000 verses $200 to $300
for a 35mm. The digitals ability to delete
unwanted shots makes it more cost effective to operate. I have countless thousands of photos shot with an assortment of film cameras and considering only 2 to 3 photos worthy of keeping it’s easy to see the Digital won that round. The Digital however has won the Princess and the Pea award in that it’s
unable to take a licking and keep on tickng
like its film counterpart. There’s a lot of electronics in that little package and one has to treat it right. Don’t Ever Shoot directly into the sun with a Digital. It just hates that, to the point of, saying to you,
“I QUIT!!!”

Digitals have come a long way though and I
must admit I use my Olympus E-Volt more
my assortment of film cameras. We all live in a Digital world these days and Im trying to go with the flow.

Check out the links below to see what the
Experts think.




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